Connected Construction Management Software Key to Disconnecting Silos

OpEd –  Andrew Tucker (APAC Product Manager, Viewpoint)

Information silos are detrimental to today’s construction jobsite, leading to inefficiencies, miscommunication and mistakes, which can cause projects to go over budget and past their deadlines, leaving clients unhappy and employees frustrated. Silos are typically caused by disparate systems that don’t talk to one another, and by data that isn’t connected across an organisation or between teams. In fact, according to a recent Trimble Viewpoint survey, 48% of project managers said their project management software had basic or no data and didn’t connect well to other software systems.

That’s why contractors should invest in cloud-based, connected construction management software since it enables all project stakeholders to all work off of the same data in real-time. With connected data and workflows, the barriers to true construction collaboration are broken down, and the complexities of modern construction processes are simplified and automated, allowing every role in construction work smarter, rather than harder.

Having data in the cloud means that data is even more accessible and secure. Backups are virtually automatic and information is protected via encrypted user-level permission controls, single sign-on and multi-factor authentication, all of which help block unauthorized access.

Contractors can also expect to have lower costs as new efficiencies can lead to cost savings, while implementations are typically done quickly, bringing contractors up to speed to compete with their more advanced competitors in a matter of weeks.

At a time when margins are already razor thin, contractors can’t afford to be behind schedule or over budget. Connected construction management software is the key to disconnecting silos and fast tracking your business for future success.

by Andrew Tucker (APAC Product Manager, Viewpoint)

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