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At Oceania GlassTM we make the brands you know and trust for the community we live in

We love what we do. Our advert is helping more people know we proudly make Architectural Glass in Australia. And as we all know there are lots of great manufacturers, like our customers, who are quietly going about making things right here in Australia. Our advert celebrates local manufacturing as the hands-on heartbeat of our economy. With a can-do approach to innovation and quality at its core, it helps to power the nation, creating jobs and enhancing our standard of living.

In an age of globalisation and rapid technological change, the manufacturing sector in Australia faces a range of challenges. It’s not easy, but a commitment to trust, excellence, and continuous improvement in quality, innovation, and meeting customers’ needs, keeps local manufacturing focused, vibrant, and energised.

Buying locally on its merits supports the growth and sustainability of manufacturing in Australia. When we as consumers in our everyday prioritise Australian-made goods, we stimulate demand, creating opportunities for local manufacturers to thrive. This not only benefits the manufacturing industry but also helps generate economic growth, creates jobs, and contributes to a strong sense of community pride.

Our advert highlights not only what we do, but celebrates all of the great local manufacturers making and creating value in Australia everyday.

Oceania GlassTM Australia’s Architectural Glass Make

An almost black image with a hatch from a glass furnace that has been open letting out a wash of yellow light and hot air which has formed a cloud. On the imade is Oceania Glass's logo in white, and the words "Australia's Architectural Glass Maker: We make the brands you know and trust for the community we live in. Over 165 years serving Australia."

Explore more from Oceania Glass…

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