Information silos are detrimental to today’s construction jobsite, leading to inefficiencies, miscommunication and mistakes, which can cause projects to go over budget and past their deadlines, leaving clients unhappy and employees frustrated.

NAWIC has a bold mission to achieve 25% female participation in construction by 2025.

To achieve Net Zero carbon by 2035, it is imperative for the Australian construction industry to develop and adopt Australian-Based Embodied Carbon Standards which are independent, transparent, and meet international standards.

We are seeing a new revolution unfold, with clean energy addressing the challenges of health, climate change, air quality and energy affordability. Electrifying buildings is part of this revolution and the technologies to make it happen exist and are being used today…

Mirvac has put together a mini-documentary highlighting a part of Australian broadcast history, with the dismantling and removal of the iconic, decommissioned TX transmission tower at Willoughby in Sydney, Australia.