At a ‘Hinge’ in History

I recently read a fascinating BBC Future article which suggested that we were at a ‘hinge’ in history – a defining moment when the decisions made now can fundamentally affect the future of our civilisation. We are certainly at a similar defining moment in the history of our industry. The complexity of construction
is accelerating, projects are getting larger, and the social, economic and environmental stakes continue to rise. Meanwhile, evidence suggests that we are struggling to keep up with the demands of society; project delays, cost over runs, contractual claims and quality issues are still rife. It is no longer an option to
continue doing things the same way.

With a plethora of traditional, segmented and industrialised design solutions available, and an increasing range of technologies and approaches to utilise, it can be challenging to understand risk and make informed choices. One thing is sure; drawing a line between design and construction is no longer viable.

Permanent and temporary works design and construction methodology must be considered in conjunction with an overall Construction Methodology and Erection Sequence (CMES) to deliver holistic value.

It is now possible, powered by BIM and Digital Design techniques, to digitally rehearse construction and assess options in a way that is interactive and ensures all stakeholders have clarity and confidence to make better decisions including the ‘how’, not just the ‘what’.

This increases certainty, an increasingly rare and valuable commodity. Go to to see RBG’s approach and how our journey in Virtual Design and Construction is evolving.

By Paul Mullet
Group Engineering and Technology Director
Robert Bird Group