Standards Australia have agreed to provide trades, and presumably also professions, with all of the relevant standards that they will need for around $100.

Australia’s built environment is responsible for almost a quarter of the country’s carbon emissions. As such, the Australian Institute of Architects is calling for urgent reforms to address emissions from the sector and to bring about a net zero future.

BESIX Watpac commits to a 25% female workforce by 2025. The company has also committed to a 5% increase of females in management roles by 2023, is focused on eliminating any gender pay gaps and will be implementing new strategies to support a more balanced workforce

Sydney Build Expo has confirmed that this year’s event will include a new conference stage dedicated to Diversity & Inclusion.
Keynote speakers and panellists on stage will explore a wide range of important and nuanced topics including leadership, age, gender, sexuality, and cultural diversity including indigenous cultures and action on reconciliation.

Some of Australia’s biggest companies across construction, mining and agriculture have announced a funding partnership with medical research charity The Common Good to create the Tradie Health institute.